Specializing in Notary & Law.

Disclaimer: Nixon Legal Solutions, LLC is not able to provide legal advice at this time.

Notary Services

  • Get your important documents notarized and certified. This service begins at $100 an hour. Travel fee separate.

  • Get your important documents notarized at $10 per signature.

  • We will provide a witness for your notarizing needs for an additional fee.

Scroll down to see a checklist on how to prepare for notary services.

Certified Notary Signing Agent

Meet Your Notary

Hi, I’m Eboni Nixon, a certified paralegal and licensed notary agent. I have a Bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice, and for over 6 years, I have performed legal assistant and paralegal services in several law firm settings. These settings include: criminal law support, family law support, estate planning, probate support, and worker’s compensation support. 

Serving others is my passion! I am extremely organized and disciplined. I provide quality service while giving you a professional and affable experience.

"A life isn't significant except for its impact on others lives."
- Jackie Robinson

What you need:

A checklist

  • Document print out (not required for virtual services)

  • A witness if required (a witness can be provided if needed at an additional fee)

  • Legal ID